
Showing posts from August, 2017

#life #freedom #independence

Life is a freedom from closed surrounding within mothers womb .we all talk about freedom independence in terms of country region space but we all tied to shackles of our own selfish motives behaviour.God created universe we created boundaries.God created biosphere we created special regions with certain sects religions.God created homo sapiens we created racism .God created beautiful natural world we created materialistic world .God created homo sapiens we created rich and poor In the real sense we are captive to some and other things.Real freedom will be only possible when we have no boundaries within countries,one universal social religion.we move from human beings to being human in each and every affair

#life #motivation #inspiration #positive #lion#roaring

Life is a full of experiences lesson's a never ending learning phase.This world seems to be a gigantic exam hall with each one of us trying to attempt the question paper in whatever best possible ways sometimes some come out with flying colours while it's a lesson for some.No matter what so ever may be the circumstances either good or bad: We should keep the fire within burning We should keep the lion within roaring We should keep the heart within caring So as to make the life amazing.