#protoplasm #physical basis of life

Life a beautiful word and whole world crazy about it,this only describes the protoplasm without it think what would be the universe like?we hypocrite's human beings responsible for all the mess and making it life less Each one of us is culprit in the real sense we are evolving in a negative manner psychologically beside being positively biologically evolved.During our early phase we are compared to siblings cousins though each one of us is unique creation of god our genetic code feature are different we are pushed in an environment where we have to compete in a platform with different capabilities.This were initial mess starts and somehow initial meaning of life fades.Teachers parents relatives etc all are responsible for this.After schooling phase one enters the college phase nothing different from school it is one step closer to bigger life mess ahead regarding career peers pressure etc knowingly or unknowingly we all extract the life and make it lifeless .After college we all have to do some or the other work either job or ones own business.After all money is so much important the society is made so.But what is the probability that one would be satisfied contained with his or her job business.life is full of hit and trial's until the last breath before one goes to sleep.Balancing financially and emotionally is not a cake walk.To gain one means one has to compromise other.Thus again making it lifeless.During the latter stages when one is financially fine in so called society parameters than the biological medical parameters are not fine causing some sort of imbalance making difficult to cope with thus realizing how time flies final day the last phase is nearing still wishing and trying to know the meaning of life.But nothing much could be done.life is full of uncertainty we don't know what would happen next moment still we human beings gather wealth as if we are never going die and we are the kings and queens of this planet!


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