#life #organization #churning #Diamond

Life the more we try to understand explore the more complex form is the result and its hard to interpret express satisfactorily.There is no hard and fast rule so that one can follow and lead a healthy peaceful wealthy life.life involves many ups and downs churning process.we all have to go through many hardship challenges say learning phases but unaware of the end result.Even when the milk is churned we don't get the same quality quantity of butter obtained is not same though quality quantity of milk being same.similarly diamond is metamorphosed from carbon after excessive heat and pressure treatment but still not all the carbon's get converted.similarly organization go through same churning process but all don't taste the same amount of success it depends upon external and internal factors.success is not only materialism it's a balanced perspective of life.when materialism increases the spiritual balanced content of life decreases.Thus they are negativity correlated leading to all the imbalances miseries in our life.The more we get attracted towards materialistic world the more we get detached from ourselves thus having little peace of mind and a life that too a balanced one Thanks!


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