#life #Atom #management

Life full surprises influenced by the external environment similar to atom.An atom smallest unit of matter consists of protons neutrons and sea of electrons surrounding it.Atom is stable as far as the proton don't get influenced by the external electron's neither they go towards the negative electrons nor attract negative electrons towards itself defying law of physics unlike charges attract each other.we are no less than atom society external environment as electrons'.If our body mind is in equilibrium doesn't get influenced by external election this is the real challenge.we keep on learning get carried away do mistakes off and on.once our body mind is stable it's the real mantra life management and management life.If in a organization each individual atom are balanced and well coordinated with other atom than harmony prevails with success story for the organization.If any one atom of the organization destabilize there were the downfall begins.Thus individual life management is essential for successful management life.lf this doesn't exist than atom will cease to exist and bigger atom will never come into existence.


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