The masked......

The masked.... 10-03-2017 We apart from being multitasking are multi masked.we all will not agree but we all have it and wear it when needed.Doesn't our behaviour towards other people differ from person to person.we all tend to hide our inner self pretending to be what we are not.we are different for our own family members,different for close relatives relatives,neighbours,work areas,childhood buddies business friends vendors workers employees employers social gatherings and many more.In order to play different roles we are in constant stress leading to miseries.we being social organism can't ignore it but mitigate to some extent by being aware and control of ourselves
Once I read somewhere Japanese think we have three face's,one for the family and friends second one for the world and last one we keep hiding and not letting anyone to know about it and it is the truest reflection of ourselves.We can't unmasked completely but certainly lessen it just sharing my thoughts. Thanks!


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